The Partnership for Biodiversity in Planning is an alliance of 19 organisations representing the conservation, planning and development sectors, who are working together to simplify, streamline and improve the consideration of biodiversity in the UK planning process. Find out more about the organisations involved


The partnership aims to provide resources to help consider protected and priority species earlier in the UK planning process and encourage building projects to deliver a net gain in biodiversity.

This includes an innovative web-based planning tool – the Wildlife Assessment Check* – that offers householders and small to medium scale developers a simple check to see whether a potential development project requires expert ecological advice.

Please note that our Esmée Fairbairn Foundation funding for the Partnership for Biodiversity in Planning Project has now come to an end and our Project Officer’s post finished on 31st March 2020. Partners on the project have committed time to keep the Wildlife Assessment Checklist (WAC) up-to-date and IT support and promotion of the WAC will be ongoing. However, our ability to respond to queries, offer talks or provide news items will be reduced. Thank-you for our interest in our work and we hope that you will find the resources on our website useful.

Read here for more about the project.


Our work is funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

Esmeé Fairbairn Foundation