The Partnership for Biodiversity in Planning is a unique collaboration between 19 highly respected organisations representing either key participants in the planning process or protected species. Working together we are able to draw on a huge wealth of expertise and experience to address the most pertinent issues affecting biodiversity in planning.

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust

ARC are a national wildlife charity committed to conserving amphibians and reptiles and saving the disappearing habitats on which they depend.


The Association of Local Environmental Record Centres

ALERC is an association between Local Environmental Records Centres (LRCs) in Great Britain.  The Association aims to provide a central voice for the views and concerns of the Records Centre community, whilst building a support-based network of knowledge and advice to meet the needs of its members.


The Association of Local Government Ecologists

ALGE represents professional ecologists working in local government in the UK. They also provide formal advice to the Local Government Associations in the UK and respond to consultations on biodiversity issues that affect local government delivery.

The Bat Conservation Trust

BCT are the leading organisation solely devoted to the conservation of bats and the landscapes on which they rely. As the authoritative voice for bat conservation they work locally, nationally, across Europe and internationally with partners, supporters and members to secure bat populations in a changing world.

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Professor Alister Scott

Alister is Professor in Environmental Geography at Northumbria University. He is a geographer who works at disciplinary and professional boundaries and edges in dealing with interdisciplinary problems. His career has encompassed both policy (Dartmoor National Park and Scottish Natural Heritage) and academic positions (Welsh Agricultural College, University of Wales Aberystwyth, Aberdeen University, Waikato University and Birmingham City University). Alister is also a chartered planner of the Royal Town Planning Institute (MRTPI). His current work includes a NERC grant on green infrastructure working with various planning authorities on a natural capital planning tool that values ecosystem services in a range of development scenarios.



Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. Buglife’s aim is to halt the extinction of invertebrate species and to achieve sustainable populations of invertebrates.

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Butterfly Conservation

Butterfly Conservation aims to halt and reverse the declines in British butterflies and moths through practical action, scientific study and by safeguarding important sites and landscapes. They are the world’s largest conservation charity for butterflies and moths.

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Greenspace Information for Greater London

GiGL is the capital’s environmental records centre – they collate, manage and make available detailed information on London’s wildlife, parks, nature reserves, gardens and other open spaces. They work with service level agreement holders, customers and the public to meet a range of data needs.

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Home Builders Federation

The Home Builders Federation (HBF) is the principal representative body of the housebuilding industry in England and Wales. Membership consists of national and multinational plc’s, through regional developers to small, local builders. Members of the HBF account for over 80% of all new housing built in England and Wales in any one year.

The Mammal Society

The Mammal Society advocates for science-led mammal conservation. It leads efforts to collect and share information on mammals, encourages research to learn more about their ecology and distribution, and contributes meaningfully to efforts to conserve them.

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People’s Trust for Endangered Species

PTES protect wildlife in Britain and around the world by bringing our most threatened species back from the brink of extinction. PTES carry out practical conservation action, ground breaking scientific research and educate and inspire people of all ages to nurture nature.

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Plantlife is the organisation that is speaking up for wild flowers, plants and fungi. From the open spaces of nature reserves to the corridors of government, Plantlife are here to raise their profile, to celebrate their beauty and to protect their future.

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The RSPB is the country’s largest nature conservation charity, inspiring everyone to give nature a home. Together with their partners, they protect threatened birds and wildlife so our towns, coast and countryside will teem with life once again.

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The Royal Town Planning Institute

The RTPI is the UK’s leading planning body for spatial, sustainable and inclusive planning and is the largest planning institute in Europe with over 25,000 members. It works to shape planning policy, raise professional standards and is the only body in the UK to confer Chartered status to planners, the highest professional qualification.

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The Town and Country Planning Association

The TCPA campaigns for reform of the UK’s planning system to make it more responsive to people’s needs and aspirations and to promote sustainable development. It occupies a unique position, overlapping with those involved in the development industry, the environmental movement and those concerned with social justice.


Wildlife Trusts

There are 46 individual Wildlife Trusts, managing over 98,500 ha of land and covering the whole of the UK and the Isle of Man and Alderney. Together, The Wildlife Trusts are the UK’s largest people-powered environmental organisation working for nature’s recovery on land and at sea.


The UK Green Building Council (UK GBC) is uniting the UK building industry using sustainability as a catalyst to positively transform the places people use every day.

A charity with over 400 member organisations spanning the entire sector, we represent the voice of the industry’s current and future leaders who are striving for transformational change.

Larry Burrows, Local Authority Ecologist, Somerset County Council

Larry Burrows is an ecologist in planning policy, giving advice on forward planning matters and planning applications and carrying out Habitats Regulations Assessments for Somerset county and district councils. His interests include the use of landscape by species and he has developed the Habitat Evaluation Procedure used to calculate the effect of development on species adopted by Somerset Local Authorities.

Mike Kelly, Chief Planning Officer, North Devon Council

Dr Mike Kelly is Chief Planning Officer at North Devon Council responsible for the Development Plan and Development Management in North Devon. He is a Chartered Town Planner and Chartered Surveyor with an established research publication record. Mike has been a contributor to the development of the National Ecosystems Approach Toolkit and has a particular interest in the relevance of the ecosystems approach and its links with spatial planning and land use.