Choose the type of development project

Select one option from the list below

Householder projects

  • Works to alter or enlarge a house (including works requiring planning permission, works being undertaken within householder permitted development rights and/or householder Local Development Order (LDO) rights)
  • Works to alter / extend a listed building
  • Any works being undertaken within the curtilage (boundary / garden) of a house requiring planning consent (e.g. putting up a boundary fence or wall, putting up a garage, car port, outbuilding or garden structures such as a summer house, shed or swimming pool)

Developments that are not householder projects and do not require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

  • Barn conversions (requiring planning permission and/or listed building consent or undertaken within Permitted Development (PD) Rights)
  • Demolition of buildings, including partial or complete demolition of listed buildings
  • Residential / commercial development proposals
  • Other types of development proposals (excluding householder building projects)

Developments requiring an EIA

EIA Schedule 1 developments

  • Many types of large-scale development proposals (e.g. crude oil refineries, certain waste disposal installations, certain transport projects and intensive livestock installations) will require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
  • A list of development proposals for which an EIA must be carried out (i.e. EIA Schedule 1 projects) can be found here.

EIA Schedule 2 developments

  • Some development proposals (e.g. intensive fish farms, large pig and poultry units, mineral extraction, wind farms and hydroelectric installations) may require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
  • A list of development proposals for which an EIA may be required (i.e. EIA Schedule 2 projects) can be found here.
  • The Local Planning Authority will determine whether the development proposal is likely to have significant effects on the environment and hence whether an EIA is required.
Please select a development type to continue