These guidance notes refer to the protected and priority species that are addressed in the Wildlife Assessment Check. The notes include advice for each species group about:

  • Legal protection: detailing the national legislation that provides protections for different species
  • Survey information: includes advice regarding suitable seasons to conduct surveys and expected number of surveys to be undertaken for that species group
  • Mitigation: outlines measures must be taken to avoid, mitigate (lessen) or compensate for negative impacts of development on species.
  • Habitat enhancement: suggests measures to create or improve a habitat to support that species
  • Post-development monitoring: indicates how that species group should be monitored once a development is constructed
  • Licencing: outlines whether licences that may be required before any works can be undertake that may negatively impact a species
  • References: key documentation with more detailed advice regarding that species group

The notes have been produced by the species’ Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) represented within the Partnership for Biodiversity in Planning.

Select a species group and guidance notes category


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